Abstracts and fulltexts will be send to:
Participation Form will be used for abstracts.
It should be written at most 250 words
It should be written in Times New Roman 12 punt
It should be written in 1 space
It should be written at most 3000 words (including abstracts and references)
It should be written in Times New Roman 12 punt
It should be written in 1 space
Main titles should be written in upper case and bold, in subtitles just the fist letters will be in upper case and bold, each paragraph will be indented.
References cited in the texts should be written: (Tanpınar 1985) or (Tanpınar 1985: 316).
Sample References
ELÇİN, Şükrü, (1998), “Yeşil Abdal’ın Bir Şiiri”, Folkloristik: Prof. Dr. Dursun Yıldırım
Armağanı, (Ed. M. Özarslan-Ö.Çobanoğlu), Ankara: Feryal Matbaacılık, 216-231.
STOELTJE, J. Beverly, (1983), “Festival in America”, Handbook of American Folklore, (Ed R.
M. Dorson.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 239-246.
TANPINAR, Ahmet Hamdi, (1985), XIX. Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, İstanbul: Çağlayan
ÜLKEN, Hilmi Ziya, (1952), “Milli Destan ve Folklor”, Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, II, 33:
WELLEK, R. ve A. WARREN, (1982), Yazın Kuramı, (Çeviren: Y. Salman ve S. Karantay),
İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi.
WOOLF, Virginia, (1986), “Kitap Nasıl Okunmalı?”, (Çeviren: Kemal Atakay), Adam Sanat, 4:
ÇOBANOĞLU, Özkul, (1992), The Relationships Between Oral Forms of Folklore and
Mediated Performances in the Cult of Çakıcı Mehmet Efe,Unpublished Master Thesis, Indiana University Folklore Institute.
GÖKKIR, Şükran (2015) was born in Ankara 1968, she is university graduate. Interview date is 06.05.2015. Interview records and transcript are in the private archive of P.K.